Murrieta Photographer ~ 40 Day Prayer for my photography business

So I'm going on a journey.  Hope you will join me.  For the next 40 days I will be in prayer for what God wants for my photography business.  God gave me this gift of photography so all praise and glory must go to Him.  My heart wants to serve each of my clients like Jesus served the disciples.  I want my love for the Lord to shine through me.  Matthew 20:26, "but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant".

If you don't know by now I love the Lord.  I'm not religious but I have a personal relationship with my Lord.  I'm growing everyday and I feel blessed to live in a world that I may profess my faith in the Lord openly.  I want to share my faith with my clients.  I hope that doesn't scare people away but draw them in.  I hope I can share just a little bit of my faith with each person I meet.  Revelation 3:8 says: "I know your work and what you are doing.  See! I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know you have but little power, and yet you have kept my words and guarded my message and have not denied my name." 

Photography is my ministry that God gave to me to live out his great commandments:  Mark 12:30-31 says: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength and the second is, you shall love your neighbor as yourself."

This photography business to me is not about the money.  I know the Lord will provide for me.  It's more about showing my clients what God sees when He looks at you.  God sees love, He sees beauty, He sees perfection, He sees his son, Jesus!!  One of my clients told me the other day "I didn't know people saw me like that"  my photograph showed her the beauty inside her that has always been there, put there by our Lord and Savior.  This is why I do what I do.  What a blessing it is to me and it is priceless. 

There is a song that I heard the other day that so touched my heart.  It blessed my heart and when I listen to it it helps me feel free, it helps me feel beautiful, it helps me see what God sees me like and it what he sees you like.  If you have time please listen to it and may it bless you also. 

My strength alone will never be enough

But Your arms keep lifting me up

I have to leave you with one picture from this weekends women's conference!  God is so good.


Stacey Poterson said...

This is amazing!!! I was tearing up reading this- and I usually never do that. This paragraph that you wrote, is so awesome. I have the same desire for my business:
"This photography business to me is not about the money. I know the Lord will provide for me. It's more about showing my clients what God sees when He looks at you. God sees love, He sees beauty, He sees perfection, He sees his son, Jesus!! One of my clients told me the other day "I didn't know people saw me like that" my photograph showed her the beauty inside her that has always been there, put there by our Lord and Savior. This is why I do what I do. What a blessing it is to me and it is priceless."
So happy for you and excited to see your business embody that paragraph above!

Kelly Lynne said...

Stacey, thank you so much. I'm loving the 40 days of prayer for my business. It's very inspiring. One of the things I have to do this week is pick a day to not check my facebook, blog or email and spend it with the Lord and with my family. I recommend this to everyone.