Called For A Purpose~Murrieta Photographer

So many new things I have been working on this year.  First I rebranded my photography business and am now specializing in Weddings, Couples and High School Senior.  I will still do family and children portraits here and there but it will not be my main focus.  Another thing I am trying to do is blog more often, which means writing.  Well writing has never been my strong suit so please bare with me. 

If I bore you I'm sorry, I hope I will get better with time and practice, haha.  Everyday while I'm driving to work great thoughts and words come to my mind but then I get home from work and I am greeted by a cute little 4 year old and my handsome 10 year old son and my mind must refocus on them.  So I think when the little ones go to bed I will have some peace and quiet and I can sit down and write on my blog the great thoughts and words I had on my drive to work.  Well, then the little ones are in bed and the big ones come home and the house is never quiet, haha and my great thougths and words have left my head.  This post was going to be about why I do what I do, my photography but now I'm those thoughts are gone.  I spent the evening with a great friend at a great conference "Called for His Purpose", "When Leaders Lead", Women's Conference at Calvery Bible College.  The speaker tonight was Chuck Smith lovely daughter Cheryl Broderson.  She was talking about how we have all been called.  You were born for a purpose, your calling.  You already have what you need you just need to know how to use it.  I know one of my callings is photography but I'm still learning how the Lord wants me to use it to glorify Him.  So stay tuned to my blog and walk this journey with me.  I would love the support. 


Aleece said...

That was awesome Kelly! We HAVE been called and it is time to live out the calling....He equips for the call! You're gonna be a wonderful blogger! See you in the morning Sunshine! :)