

I purchased the Lensbaby Composer about a year ago.  It's a creative lens but I couldn't get it to focus right so I kept it in my camera bag but hardly ever took it out.  The other day I was looking for it during my glamour shoot but couldn't find it.  Well the very next day I was cleaning up all my photography stuff from the glamour shoot and what did I find?  Yep you guessed it my Lensbaby Composer.  Well I just had to play around with it.  :-)  My older son James is an artist and was sitting at the table with little Aubri.  She was doing homework and he was drawing.  I just had to take some pictures.  Below are the results.  I still have a lot to learn about focusing the lensbaby but I'm kind of happy with the way these pictures came out.  Let me know what you think.

Here is a couple of our lab puppy Kokua



becky said...

These are so cool! Love all of them!

MeganElizabeth said...

These are great! Love the lensbaby :)

Angela L. said...

Your lab is so handsome!

The Tog's VA said...

Looks like it's definitely a cool toy to have in your bag! Nice shots! :)

mary said...

awesome captures! now I want to rent one of these :)

Hannah said...

I must get my hands on a lensbaby! Beautiful work.

Karyn Lee said...

These are super fun! Makes me really want a lensbaby!

Unknown said...

I love these, gives the photos such a unique and intimate feel!

carrie said...

Wow! Pretty neat! But yeah, looks kinda hard.

Marissa said...

Great job! I love Lensbaby images. :)

Christy Harper said...

Love your photos :) Lensbaby rocks!